Thursday, March 29, 2007

"Where have you been"?

Someone asked me where I went to, but unfortunately, I can't say that I went anywhere exotic or mysterious lately. I've been busy however. I recently purchased a laptop and am getting it configured to my liking...well, maybe not to my liking, since I bought it for my daughter who has been using a run-down P3 desktop for far too long. The P3 was on its last legs, with parts failing one by one. Its old DVD drive is dead and the failing memory is causing all kinds of problems there. The laptop I bought is not new, and shows that it still has power to spare. It's a Compaq V2000 which I picked up on ebay. It's a Celeron M, which now makes it the fastest computer in the house. My dream of owning a Core 2 Duo will sadly just have to stay a dream for now.

We had a bit of a crisis at home recently as well.
It seems that our fireplace/chimney has had enough of all the rain and storms we've been having here lately, and has decided to let some of the rain in on us for a change. That means that our living room floor has become a bit of a swamp this past week, and I've been scrambling to get the problem solved asap. Today the workmen were on site repairing the exterior, while I spent the last couple of days removing and replacing laminate flooring. What fun!
Most of the work is done now, but I'm waiting to see if we spring any more leaks before I totally complete the interior repairs. Mr. Chimney might still have some leaky surprises in store for us yet.

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