Thursday, March 1, 2007

Linux 1 -- Microsoft 0

I've reinstalled Ubuntu about a dozen times in the last few days. Literally. With each new install and my experimentation, I find that I screw something up and have to reinstall. I also find that I learn a lot more in the process, so I don't mind all. I want to get a comfortable level of knowledge with Linux and also with the console. I do find that the installations go a lot smoother than it would if Windows was under the hood.
I've even installed Kubuntu now on my daughters computer in the hopes of minimizing our use of Windows. I don't think we'll be able to go cold turkey just yet, so both systems are dual boot for now. I'm still learning how to get everything operational, and I haven't attempted to hook up my camera yet, so no new photos to show you. Even the old ones I have are stored on the Windows partion, and I'm having too much fun with Linux to boot it.

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