Thursday, August 9, 2007

Fallen by the wayside

It's sad when I see blogs that I enjoy reading and that I visit daily, suddenly stop posting and slowly fade away. I still check back on them and hope that the blogger has started reposting again to the blog so that I can continue to enjoy what they have to say.
It seems that this blog has fallen by the wayside as well. I've neglected it and seem to have lost focus with it. I don't feel like posting as many photos these days. Maybe it's because I'm not taking as many photos as I was in the past. I'm not that worried or concerned about all of this, as this is just a humble blog that I started for my own amusement. I don't expect that many people pass this way, and I'm sure the few that do, don't return. That's fine with me, as there are so many excellent blogs out there to spend quality time with. I'm not sure what the future of this blog will be. If you enjoyed reading any part of this blog, leave a comment so that I may be motivated to keep it going for those who visit.


datter said...

I let my blog die too, I do that. Then in a flurry of activity I'll go all strange on it and post for a bit, or update my theme or something. Then it will sit neglected again. Sad perhaps, but I've come to realize that's just the way it's going to have to be.

Hope you post some more, here or elsewhere. :)

Luc said...

I have it bookmarked and check it regularly.