It can now be stated as a fact that now in 2007, there are more blogs online than there are Internet users. I myself have three blogs and am in the process of starting up a fourth one. I love surfing the net at random and discovering new blogs and I also enjoy the journey I take to find them. I visit several blogs on a regular basis, some of which I have added links to on this page. I recently started clicking on Links pages of various blogs and from there clicked on their links and so on. What a blogging adventure that can be. I discovered quite a few strange and quirky blogs during my online travels. Another way to find new blogs and make contacts with bloggers is via a site called MyBlogLog. I'll be adding to my links page as time goes on, and feel free to post your own link in the comments and I'll be sure to visit it as well. As for a photo today, since surfing for blogs is similar to window shopping at the mall, here's a shot of a couple going by a "hello kitty" type of store. I can almost read the mind of the guy as the woman slows down to check the shop out...