It's just a coincidence that yesterday I posted a photo of traffic in the city and today I find a couple of articles about a flying car coming in the not too distant future.
I've been talking/dreaming about owning a flying car for years now, so when I saw the links for it online, I quickly surfed over to learn more.
It seems that there is an actual company in Israel working on this exciting concept. They already have a working prototype and hope to have them operational and up for sale by 2012. You can read more about the X-Hawk on their website or watch the sample video here. The line for the flying cars starts directly behind me!
Here's a humourous video with two guys sitting in traffic talking about a flying car. The beginning of the video sounds like things I've been saying for years.
"I gotta believe that there's somebody else out there thinking about the flying car besides me, somebody who's not afraid to throw their hats over the wall for the good of mankind...If more people threw their hats over the wall, we wouldn't be sitting in this mess right now, we'd be zooming over it in a flying car." The video gets crazy when the passenger tries to find out how far the driver would go to own his very own flying car. Weird, but good for a laugh.
edit: (Video Rated PG-13 for my younger readers)
Saturday, February 3, 2007
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Flying cars. Great idea.
Well said.
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